We're excited to announce that we're now accepting enrollment for a limited time!
We're excited to announce that we're now accepting enrollment for a limited time!
Welcome to our School!
Little Tot’s serves families with children ages 2 weeks to 5 years old, providing peace of mind, loving family relationships, quality childcare, and the highest standards in Preschool and PreKindergarten education today.
At Little Tot’s we are committed to fostering a culture where every person is accepted in a safe and inclusive environment. We have a non-discriminatory policy in relation to all applicants and embrace the cultures of all enrolled families. Our program does not discriminate against any child, parent, or family on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or handicap.
Children are enrolled based on the date requested and the availability of openings. Priority is given to currently enrolled families expecting the birth of a new child. Little Tot’s does reserve the right to refuse enrollment to families who do not have the same parenting philosophy and goals as we practice within our close home based scholastic program.
What are the hours of your program?
The current hours of operation are from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Do you charge a registration fee or a materials fee?
No. Your weekly tuition covers all needed expenses, you will never be asked to pay extra funds for curriculum materials, hired entertainment, field trips, or any other service provided here at Little Tot’s. To enroll your child in Little Tot’s, a deposit is all that is required to secure your child’s space. The deposit is the amount of one full week of tuition. The deposit is a good-faith gesture to help guarantee that families will remember to give a one-month notice prior to disenrollment. This payment is due prior to the distribution of enrollment paperwork, before the first day of school. When termination notice is given, your deposit is fully refunded in payment for your last week of tuition.
How much is tuition at Little Tot’s, and do you offer family discounts?
Tuition is adjusted from 4-6% each year in September.
The 2024/2025 tuition for Full-Time enrollment (beginning October 14, 2024):
$260.00 a week for a PreKindergarten through Kindergarten child (over 3½ years old)
$284.00 for a Preschooler (2 ½ years old to 3½ years old )
$300.00 per week for both Babies & Toddlers (2 weeks to 2 ½ years old)
Yes, we offer family discounts! Multiple child enrollment is rewarded with family tuition discounts. These discounts apply to full-time families only. For each full-time child in addition to the first, families will receive a $40.00 discount on their weekly tuition payment. That is nearly a 20% tuition credit for your older child just for having two or more children enrolled full time!
Do you offer Part-Time enrollment opportunities?
Part time enrollment is welcome! Families can enroll for a minimum of two full days per week. Our program does not offer a partial day option. Days will be designated upon enrollment and cannot be substituted or changed without prior approval. These spaces are limited, and due to the sharing of one full-time space between two children, part-time spaces are not flexible.
The 2024/2025 tuition for Part-Time enrollment is:
$65.00 a day for PreKindergarten through School-Aged Children
$71.00 a day for Preschoolers
$75.00 a day for Babies & Toddlers
There is no hourly rate. Tuition is calculated as a daily rate regardless of hours in care. All money paid is non-refundable, and there are no transferring of days or money for the following week.
Can families use services temporarily or just as needed?
No. Because it often takes children quite some time to acclimate to a new environment, new friends, and new teachers, it is a policy of Little Tot’s that drop-in or temporary care, is not a service we provide. At Little Tot's we strive to only enact policies that are healthy for a young child's emotional development. Currently enrolled part-time families may, however, request additional days as needed and will be granted these days as long as we have space to accommodate the child(ren) for that day.
Do families provide food or are meals provided?
Little Tot's provides all meals and snacks for all of the children enrolled with exception of infant formula and (of course) breast milk. Little Tot’s is on the USDA food program. Our goal is to improve the health and nutrition of children in our care while promoting the development of good eating habits. We purchase and provide nutritiously balanced meals, sugars, fats, and vegetable oils are kept to a minimum. Mealtimes are as follows:
7:00am - 8:45am Breakfast
11:00am – 12:00pm Lunch
3:00pm - 3:30pm Snack
What days each year does Little Tot's close?
Little Tot's recognizes most state and federal holidays and has two professional development days per year.
Our school calendar includes the holidays listed below as well as professional development in the Spring. Payment is required for holidays and planned school closures as well as business interruptions (weather, illness, catastrophe, etc.). If your child is contracted to be here on the day of the week in which the holiday or closure falls, you will be required to make payment as usual. If a holiday falls on a weekend, Little Tot’s will observe the holiday either the proceeding Friday or the following Monday.
Each year, the educators at Little Tot's participate in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) conference as part of their professional development. This esteemed conference is recognized as the largest early childhood event in Michigan and provides an exceptional opportunity for both learning and professional growth. Attendees can select from over 150 workshops, attend three keynote presentations, and engage with fellow early childhood professionals for networking and collaboration. This is a wonderful learning opportunity and morale boost for the staff! The conference is generally held in mid-March through April. Families will be notified months in advance of the date and school will close for two days to enable teachers to participate.
Jan 01, 2025
New Year’s Day Holiday
Jan 20
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Feb 17
Presidents' Day
April 14-15
Teacher Professional Development
Apr 18
Good Friday
May 26
Memorial Day
Jun 30 – Jul 04
Independence Day Holiday Week
Sep 01
Labor Day
Nov 27 – Nov 28
Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 24 – Jan 01, 2026
Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day Holiday
What is the vacation policy?
After every six months of enrollment, each child’s space will be reserved at no cost for a one-week vacation period (two weeks per year). These weeks will mirror your current schedule. For example, a full-time child will receive ten days of vacation per year; a family that comes two days per week will receive four days of vacation each year. Paid program holidays may not be used as a tuition free time.
Though it happens rarely, four times in 30 years to be exact, Lisa Boni reserves the right to close the business for up to two weeks of vacation time per year; this is unpaid vacation time. Parents will be given ample notification prior to the closure.
Teachers, ask about special considerations for ensuring continued enrollment despite the teacher’s extended vacation time.
How do the teachers communicate with my family about my child's daily experiences and development?
Here at Little Tot’s we are committed to creating a strong family-like relationship with each and every child and family enrolled. This relationship includes a partnership and a continual exchange of information between your family and our staff. Although you will be communicating with teachers on a daily basis at arrival and departure, we encourage parents to attend our bi-yearly Parent / Teacher Conferences. These meetings give you an opportunity to review your child’s assessments, and to collaborate with the school in planning and setting goals for the upcoming months.
If my child were to behave inappropriately, what kind of Guidance would be used?
We provide firm but loving guidance, which is aimed at giving the child choices to redirect misbehavior. That way they feel like they took part in the decision, and we are showing them respect in allowing them to do so. We also teach positive discipline which is to help children;
* Learn problem-solving skills
* Learn basic values of respect, trust, responsibility, honesty and caring for others
Sometimes misbehavior is just a child’s way of saying that they need a break from the stimulus of a busy classroom. Just as adults, when upset, children too need space and we are very respectful of that here at Little Tot's. When we encounter a concerning behavior, it is imperative that families work with us to resolve it. Children need consistency between home and school. Our mutual goal should be to help children to properly manage emotions and respond appropriately to events and circumstances that are an everyday part of living around others. Our program is especially focused on loving, supportive relationship building as a child's social and emotional health is the most important part of learning in a group setting.
Do the children nap each day?
Yes, because naps are essential for the health and well-being of all young children, it is a policy of Little Tot’s that all children nap daily.
What is your Sick Child policy?
Little Tot’s Early Childhood Care & Education does not provide childcare for ill children. On a daily basis, every child will be observed for symptoms of illness. We follow the suggestions of the Macomb County Department of Health in excluding children with symptoms of communicable diseases. Upon enrollment, parents are provided with a guideline of what is and is not considered a reason to keep your child home. Understand that the health of all of the children as well as the providers family and staff is extremely important to the operation of our program.
"As a mother myself, I know the helpless feeling of having a sick child. It is my primary goal to keep our children as healthy as is possible to do so in a group setting. As a team, my staff and I are extremely contentious of cleanliness. We take that extra step to provide a safe sanitary environment for the children to live and play in each day." Lisa Boni
What measures do you use to keep illness at a minimum?
Cleanliness in a group setting is of utmost importance. Little Tot's maintains conservative policies to prevent the spread of illness. All children have their temperatures checked prior to coming to school, and are dropped off outside the building, shoes are removed and placed on a shoe rack and hands are sanitized. Once inside the building children hang their backpacks and jackets and immediately wash their hands, and then dry with a disposable towel.
All toys are sanitized after being played with. All floors are vacuumed daily, the bathroom is wiped down throughout each day, the kitchen is completely cleaned after each meal, and the entire classroom is clean and sanitized at the end of each day. Along with this, we consistently open windows to allow a slight cross breeze, even in the winter. Fresh air is definitely needed in the winter months.
In order to prevent the spread of illness, it is imperative that children are brought to school clean and well-rested. Because handwashing is the most important measure for preventing the spread of disease, we encourage the children frequently to wash their hands. Children are taught to wash hands after using the restroom, after wiping their noses, after sneezing etc. Children will also be taught not to put fingers, toys, and other items in their mouths and noses, as this is also a common way that communicable diseases are spread.
Is It Easy To Enroll?
Absolutely! There are essentially only a few criteria that need to be met in order to enroll your child here at Little Tot's Early Childhood Care & Education. 1. You must fill out an online waitlist application. 2. We must conclude by phone (586-263-9787) that the availability we have to offer will meet your family's needs. If so, we will schedule an interview. We ask all interested families to bring their spouse and child in for the interview to introduce ourselves, see the classroom, review enrollment policies, and to discuss education, care, and any other concerns. 3. Our 'parenting philosophies' need to be similar. It is essential for a good match between providers and parents, that we have the same goals and ideals for our children. In order for your child to transition smoothly, we should be practicing virtually the same parenting methods prior to enrollment. It is when there is a discrepancy between parenting methods that children tend to have the hardest time adjusting to a new environment.
Due to greater demand than capacity, most of the time it is necessary to be placed on a waiting list to secure a space at Little Tot's. "I am happy to say that thanks to my 33 years experience, knowledge, education, wonderful families enrolled and terrific staff, that Little Tot’s openings are not common."
However, please do not hesitate to call (586-263-9787). Sometimes openings are easy to predict, such as in the Fall when we graduate our PreKindergarten students to elementary school. However, every so often, a family may disenroll due to a job loss, birth of a new child, or a move. For expecting parents, the best thing to do is to research and choose your provider long before the need arises. Being on a wait-list is absolutely essential for securing your space in an ideal early childhood setting.
Termination Procedure:
The contract may be terminated by giving one month written notice in advance of the ending date. Payment by the parent is due for the notice period whether or not the child is brought to the provider for care. The provider may terminate the contract without giving any notice for parents disregard of contract, a dispute with the provider, failure to make payments when due, or an unresolved disciplinary issue with a child.
We have chosen not to publish the address of our program or any pictures of the children enrolled to preserve privacy and the safety of the children. Little Tot’s is located in Macomb Township Michigan, the crossroads are Hall Road & Romeo Plank.
After submitting an online inquiry (see Contact page), families will receive notification of available enrollment opportunities. If there is an immediate availability, we will promptly schedule an interview and tour.
Once a tour is arranged, we ask that all adult family members attend as well as the children. We believe that the welcoming family environment is what sets family childcare apart. We believe that it is important for your child to meet and interact with their future teacher and experience the preschool environment that may become their first classroom.
Our tours are scheduled in the evening, after the school hours have ended. This allows our proprietor, Lisa Boni, to have more time to dedicate to your family and it also provides an opportunity to meet without disrupting the enrolled children's class time during the day.
If a space is available and it is agreed that this space will suit your family, parents will need to deliver a deposit, in the amount of one full week of tuition. This deposit is paid prior to the disbursement of enrollment paperwork. The deposit will be taken only if enrollment is to begin within two weeks, or if a family would like to reserve a space before it is needed by paying tuition from the time of the availability up until the time of enrollment.
Tips to help assure enrollment:
Apply early. It is better to begin the search months in advance than to try to secure a space within a few weeks time. Early applicants enjoy an increased rate of acceptance to our school as their information is readily available in the event a space is vacated.
Be flexible – you may have to accept a space sooner than you had planned or take a part-time space if it is available. Currently, enrolled clientele get first priority to newly opened spaces. Flexibility may make it easier to identify a placement. For example, families looking for a flexible two (any) day schedule may have an easier time enrolling than a family needing a specific schedule.
When an opening becomes available all interested families will be notified in priority order. To secure the space a non-refundable deposit is required. Wait-listed families only have a couple of days to respond to an offer of admission. Please make sure we have your current contact information. If we are unable to reach you by phone or email when an opening occurs, your child(ren) will be removed from the waitlist.
Little Tot's has been licensed as a group child care home in the state of Michigan since 1996. Little Tot's is a full day education program that serves working families who are looking for a loving family environment for children to be raised in a positive early learning environment from infancy to school age.
Little Tot's does not allow dual enrollment. We provide child care, preschool and prekindergarten for all children enrolled. Families seeking outside care during school hours for their children will not be enrolled. The teachers here at Little Tot's have over 50 years combined full time experience caring for and educating young children.
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